Sunday, June 13, 2010

Iran's "Crippling" Sanctions

I just saw a headline about "Sanctions that Would Really Cripple Iran." On the same page as how Verizon, according to a commenter, "cripples" headsets.

Do people just not get the ableism memo? My fellow copyeditors--shape up already! If you stopped those kind of words going through, maybe:
1) Writers would have to be more creative than simple ableist slurs
2) Other people, like politicians and bloggers, would be less likely to use them

Media shapes us and our use of language. The less a word is used in a given context in the media, the less likely it will be used in common parlance. The word "cripple" itself is rarely used outright to refer to PWDs, but "crippling sanctions" and tech "crippleware" continue. Copyeditors?

Cut. It. Out.

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